Tag Archives: waste

CIEMAT appoints Jörgen Held as an international technical expert and strategy evaluator

Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) is a Spanish public body of research of excellence in energy and environment matters, as well as in multiple cutting-edge technologies and in some areas of basic research attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Jörgen Held and four other international experts have been assigned to evaluate the new research strategy of Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Wastes at CIEMAT and give feedback and recommendations on the different research lines.

Renewtec engaged by a Chinese delegation

Renewtec has been engaged by a Chinese delegation from Tianjin University and China National Environmental Protection Corporation (CNEPC) to arrange a study tour to waste and animal body incineration plants in Sweden.

The state-owned CNEPC is China’s biggest waste management company. In their facilities more than 31,000 tons of waste are converted to electricity and biogas every day.

The delegation includes the vice director, the chief technical officer and a program manager from CNEPC and the dean of School of Environmental Science & Engineering and a professor from Tianjin University.

CNEPC has also signed up for the gold sponsor package at REGATEC 2014.

REGATEC 2014 in good progress

1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2014 takes place 22-23 May at Scandic Triangeln, Malmö, Sweden.

REGATEC 2014 is directed towards thermo-chemical and biological conversion of biomass and waste to biomethane. Gasification, syngas cleaning, methanation, anaerobic digestion and upgrading are in focus.

The speaker list includes leading biogas and gasification experts from China, India and Europe including representatives from the European Commission, IEA Bioenergy and the European Biogas Association.

Results and experiences from unique first-of-a-kind biomethane plants such as GoBiGas (world’s first bioSNG plant in industrial scale) and Bioenergy Park Güstrow (world’s largest biogas and upgrading facility using energy crops as feedstock) will be presented by prominent industrial representatives.

Leading universities, research institutes and companies take part in the poster session. Due to the large amount of high quality submission the poster session has been enlarged to accomodate 24 presentations.

Following companies/organisations exhibit at REGATEC 2014
Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association UK
Andritz Separation
BioMil AB
Bioprocess Control AB
Cortus Energy AB
ebs energy & bio solutions AB
ERT Refrigeration Technology GmbH
FARMATIC Anlagenbau GmbH
Greenlane Biogas
Indutec i Veddinge AB
Kemira Kemi AB
NAWARO Bioenergy Park ”Güstrow” GmbH
NBC 2014
Paques bv
Purac Puregas AB
Stirling Cryogenics BV
Venice 2014

Following companies have signed up as sponsors of REGATEC 2014
Cortus Energy AB (Gold Sponsor)
MicrobEnergy GmbH (Gold Sponsor)
NAWARO Bioenergy Park ”Güstrow” GmbH (Gold Sponsor)
Gasum Oy (Silver Sponsor)
Kraftringen (Silver Sponsor)
Landvärme GmbH (Silver Sponsor)

250+ participants are expected, making REGATEC 2014 to the largest gasification and biogas conference in Sweden. The deadline for registration is on the 30th of April.



Visit at University of Seville

Renewtec AB visited the Chemical and Environmental Engineering department at University of Seville on the 18th of October to discuss gasification of waste and small scale biomethane production.

SDC12567From left to right: Dr. Jörgen Held, Renewtec AB, Dr. Manuel Campoy Naranjo, Dr. Susanna Nilsson, Dr. Pedro Haro and Dr. Ángel L. Villanueva Perales, the Bioenergy Group at the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Seville.



The Bioenergy Group operates their own lab and pilot scale facilities and has tested several different types of feedstocks in fluidised bed gasfication. Since Renewtec AB promotes bioSNG from MSW the experiences and results obtained at the University of Seville are of great interest.

Renewtec visits SOGAMA

The 8th of October Jörgen Held visited Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente (SOGAMA) which is in charge of the waste management in 297 out of the 315 municipalities in Galicia. All the waste is processed in the plant in Cerceda outside La Coruña, Spain.

SDC12500In the picture the general director of SOGAMA Isidro García Téllez is in discussion with Jörgen Held, CEO of Renewtec AB.





During 2012 20,700 tonnes of plastic waste and 810,375 tonnes of household waste were treated at the plant in Cerceda. After sorting and recovery of iron and alumnia approx. 25% of the waste went to a landfill and the rest was combusted in a circulating fluidised bed boiler. The heat is used to produce the steam needed to run the 50 MWel steam turbine.

The landfill is equipped with gas extraction and the landfill gas is used for efficient electricity production through gas engines.