Tag Archives: REGATEC 2017

New all-time-high for REGATEC 2017

REGATEC 2017 takes place 22-23 May in Pacengo, Italy. The conference revolves around biomethane through biogas upgrading, biomass gasification/methanation and Power-to-gas.

The programme is finalized and 70+ presentations from renowned experts, an extensive exhibition and scheduled B2B meetings (Network Plus) makes REGATEC 2017 a vibrant hotspot for the biogas, gasification and P2G community.

REGATEC 2017 has already set a new all-time-high in terms of number of sponsors (13), exhibitors (41) and participants (170+).

For more info visit www.regatec.org

10 reasons to attend REGATEC 2017 – biogas, gasification and Power-to-gas

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017, takes place 22-23 May in Pacengo (Verona), Italy. The conference revolves around renewable methane and has a technical and industrial focus. For more info www.regatec.org.

  • Italy is the leading country in Europe when it comes to NGVs (natural gas vehicles) and filling stations for compressed methane. In fact almost 75% of all NGVs in Europe are Italian.
  • The new Italian decree on biomethane, favouring biomethane as vehicle fuel, will be presented at the conference.
  • A new platform for cross border biomethane trading will be presented.
  • There are several synergies between the three sectors (AD, gasification and P2G) that are waiting to be exploited. A whole session in plenary is dedicated to synergies between the different biomethane production paths.
  • Listen to 60+ leading experts presenting the latest advances within biogas upgrading, gasification/methanation and Power-to-gas. The conference will be opened by the Head of Research and Development of Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione and the Eurogas policy advisor.
  • Get an insight to the renewable methane development in China. Presented by the executive director of China Biogas Association,
  • Take part in Network Plus, an efficient way to get to know you peers and connect to new business or collaboration partners.
  • Since natural gas is predicted to overtake the role as the dominating fuel during this century the interest and business opportunities for renewable methane will increase.
  • Visit the exhibition where leading biogas, gasification and Power-to-gas companies and research institutes will highlight their products and services. On the biogas side all upgrading technologies are present, i.e. chemical scrubbing, organic physical scrubbing, water scrubbing, PSA, membranes and cryogenic upgrading.
  • The conference takes place in Parchi del Garda, the largest hotel and congress centre in the lake Garda and Verona region. Enjoy the Italian hospitality, the delicious food, the fantastic scenery (the venue is situated 900 m from the shores of lake Garda). Why not combine the conference with a visit to the medieval and romantic city of Verona?


Italy a new hotspot for biogas upgrading?

The Italian decree from 2013 regarding biomethane regulations will be replaced by a new one in early 2017. The new decree will favour biomethane as transport fuel.

Italy is the most advanced European country when it comes to nr of filling stations and use of methane (natural gas) as vehicle fuel. Having the infrastructure in place and a public awareness of using methane as vehicle fuel Italy has already overcome the two main barriers for large scale implementation of biomethane as vehicle fuel.

The NGV fleet and number of filling stations continues to grow. 885,000 NGVs in 2014 compared to 970,000 NGVs in 2015. 1,100 CNG and L-CNG/LNG stations in 2015 compared to 990 in 2014. Almost 75% of the European NGV fleet is in Italy.

Since 2016, owners of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Italy are being encouraged to convert their vehicles to CNG as part of a new round of incentives made available by Italy’s Ministry of Environment. This scheme offers EUR 1.8 million to support alternative fuels.

Italy remains dedicated to the development of NGVs and encourages other countries to follow the leading example of the Italian industry and government.

Italy has 1,391 biogas plants and as the feed-in tariff for green electricity is phased out it’s natural to look for biomethane dedicated to the transportation sector as an alternative. This implies a huge opportunity for biogas upgrading companies.

It’s not a coincidence that we chose Italy as the location for 4th International conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017. The conference revolves around renewable methane of vehicle fuel quality produced through anaerobic digestion/upgrading, biomass gasification/methanation and Power-to-gas. For more info www.regatec.org


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development, ENEA, has granted REGATEC 2017 patronage

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development, ENEA, has granted REGATEC 2017 patronage because of the relevance of the issue addressed.

REGATEC 2017 relvoves around renewable methane of a quality suitable as vehicle fuel or for grid injection. The REGATEC team are pleased that ENEA has chosen to support REGATEC 2017 especially since Italy is the leading NGV country in Europe, with a well developed biogas sector and strong ambitions to increase the share of biomethane in the transportation sector.

REGATEC 2017 in good progress

The 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017 takes place 22-23 May 2017 at Parchi del Garda, Pacengo (Verona), ITALY.

The conference is in good progress and people have already started to register for the conference.

BTS Biogas



VTT Technical Research Institute of Finland Ltd.
BTS Biogas GmbH/Srl
Bioenergy International
Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione

Renewable methane development in China
Prof. Xiujin Li, Bejing University of Chemical Technology

High methane conversion efficiency by low temperature steam reforming of bio-feedstock
Dr. Valerie Dupont, Leeds University

Advanced syngas cleaning and increased bioSNG efficiency
Prof. Henrik Thunman, Chalmers University of Technology

ECN System for Methanation (ESME)
Dr. Guadalupe Aranda Almansa, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

Methanation of air captured CO2
Dr. Pekka Simell, VTT Technical Research Institute of Finland Ltd.

HELMETH – a high efficiency Power-to-gas concept
Prof. Dimosthenis Trimis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Small scale gasification-based CHP in Italy
Prof. David Chiaramonti, University of Florence