Tag Archives: Pre-BASIC Biogas

Visit at Lithuanian Energy Institute

On the 11th of October, Jörgen Held visited Lithuanian Energy Institute in Kaunas. The institute is a Pre-BASIC Biogas project partner and the visit included discussions regarding the BASIC Biogas application to the South Baltic Sea Programme as well as a study tour in the well-equiped LEI laboratories.

The director of innovations at the Enerstena Group, Ralfas Lukoševičius, participated also in the BASIC Biogas discussions.


Click here or one the picture to the right for more info on the visit (in Lithuanian).



The Pre-BASIC Biogas coordinator, Jörgen Held and the Director of Lithuanian Energy Institute, Sigitas Rimkevičius look forward to an extended collaboration.

Deputy director, Dr. AndriusTamošiūnas in front of the institute.

The Lithuanian Energy Institute is the national energy research body and has close to 300 employees, and 11 laboratories with top modern equipment. LEI provides accredited services related to material research and testing, and liquid and air metering.

Manure and algae in focus at Pre-BASIC Biogas Seminar

On the 8th of November, the Pre-BASIC Biogas Seminar took place at Scandic Triangeln, Malmö, Sweden.

65 people from 11 countries listened to biogas experts giving presentations on anaerobic digestion of manure and aquatic substrates, digestate utilization and biogas upgrading. In addition Pentair Haffmans, ETW Energietechnik GmbH and Hitachi Zosen Inova BioMethan GmbH gave technical presentations on the biogas upgrading technologies they supply.

The presentations are available for download, free of charge at the seminar website.

The seminar was part of the Pre-BASIC Biogas project coordinated by Renewtec AB.


Renewtec recieves grant for the Pre-BASIC Biogas project

On the 30th of June the Swedish Institute granted Renewtec AB funding to conduct the Pre-BASIC Biogas project.

Pre-BASIC Biogas is a seed funding project with the objective to build a strong consortium and establish a Baltic Sea Innovation Cluster on Biogas (BASIC Biogas) within the framework of the South Baltic Sea Programme.

Project partners are Danish Gas Technology Centre, InnoBaltica Sp z oo, Koszalin University of Technology, Lithuanian Energy Institute and Rostock University.