The 8th of October Jörgen Held visited Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente (SOGAMA) which is in charge of the waste management in 297 out of the 315 municipalities in Galicia. All the waste is processed in the plant in Cerceda outside La Coruña, Spain.
In the picture the general director of SOGAMA Isidro García Téllez is in discussion with Jörgen Held, CEO of Renewtec AB.
During 2012 20,700 tonnes of plastic waste and 810,375 tonnes of household waste were treated at the plant in Cerceda. After sorting and recovery of iron and alumnia approx. 25% of the waste went to a landfill and the rest was combusted in a circulating fluidised bed boiler. The heat is used to produce the steam needed to run the 50 MWel steam turbine.
The landfill is equipped with gas extraction and the landfill gas is used for efficient electricity production through gas engines.