Tag Archives: 10 year anniversary

A successful EBA 10-year anniversary conference

On the 19th of September the 10-year anniversary of the European Biogas Association (EBA) took place at Palais des Académies in Brussels.

The conference was opened by the new president of EBA, Harm Grobrügge. The conference was sold out and there were even people on a waiting list!

It’s evident that EBA is a strong voice in Brussels and that the EU Commission listens to EBA. Representatives from DG ENergy, DG Move and DG AGRI all recognised the work done by EBA and recommended EBA to emphasize the sustainability aspects of biogas (anaerobic digestion) and synthetic methane (gasification and Power -to-gas) and how they contribute to the circular bio-economy and other socio-economic benefits.

Harm and Susanna
Harm Grobrügge, President and Susanna Pflüger, Secretary General, ready to cut the cake. Photo: Jörgen Held

Biogas can be used in many applications but it seems that upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality is attracting most interest. Bruno Sander Nielsen, Danish Biogas Association presented the Danish sucess case and the ambition to completely replace natural gas with renewable gas in 2035-2050.

The discussion became a little bit more louder when energy crops as substrate was mentioned. The food versus fuel discussion seems still to be alive. However, the focus is on intermediate or sequential crops for nutrient management, soil improvement and reduce soil erosion. It’s obvious that both different types of waste and intermediate crops are needed and they don’t exclude each other.

Among many interesting presentations the overview of biomass gasification projects and innovation in Europe by Olivier Guerrini, ENGIE and the role of biomethane in a decarbonised world by Zoltan Elek, Landwärme can be mentioned.

The conference ended with a nice cocktail and light dinner including the tasty anniversary cake.