
Examples of assignments performed by Dr. Jörgen Held.

Commission: SynFerm – Efficient syngas fermentation of gasified woody biomassSweden
Year: 2023-
Client: Swedish Energy Agency
Commission: Horizon Europe project CarbonNeutralLNGEU
Year: 2022-
Client: European Commission
Commission: Pro bono work – concept paper EBA_Logo_RGB
on gasification

Year: 2021
Client: European Biogas Association
Commission: Compilation of gasification dataSweden
Year: 2021
Client: Scandinavian Biogas Fuels AB
Commission: Evaluation of research projectsSweden
Year: 2021
Client: Swedish Energy Agency
Commission: Technical expert and strategy evaluatorSpain
Year: 2021
Client: CIEMAT
Commission: COASTAL BiogasSouth Baltic
Year: 2018-2021
Client: European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG South Baltic programme
Commission: Technical expertEU
Year: 2020-2021
Client: European Commission
Commission: Stärkt utbyte mellan skånska och europeiska biogasaktörer (In Swedish)Region Skåne
Year: 2019
Client: Regional Authority of Scania
Commission: Baltic Energy Innovation CentreSweden
Year: 2017-2018
Client: Swedish Institute
Commission: LignoSys – System study of small scale Sweden thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic feedstock to biomethane
Year: 2016-2018
Client: Swedish Energy Agency
Commission: Evaluation of a new method for tightness
Swedencontrol of volumes up to 24 m3
Year: 2017
Client: E.ON Gas Sweden AB
Commission: BioProGReSsEU
Year: 2014-2017
Client: ERANET Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF)
Commission: Pre-BASIC BiogasSweden
Year: 2016-2017
Client: Swedish Institute
Commission: BioSNG production in 100 MW scale
– a technology inventory India
Year: 2016
Client: Spray Engineering Devices Ltd.
Commission: SmaRTGas Baltic Sweden
Year: 2015
Client: Swedish Institute
Commission: Innovationskluster, SmaRTGas, avseende biometan från Swedensmåskalig förgasning och metanisering (In Swedish)
Year: 2015
Client: Region Skåne (Regional authority of Scania)
Commission: Technical writing (gasification)Switzerland
Year: 2014
Client: Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Commission: Support to the NBC 2014 coordinatorIceland
Year: 2012/13/14
Client: SORPA, Iceland
Commission: Småskalig förgasning (small scale gasification)Sweden
Year: 2013/14
Client: Region Skåne and Region Halland
Commission: Initiation, coordination and realization of a meeting Germany
campaign with Swedish biogas actors
Year: 2013
Client: Nawaro AG
Commission: Small and medium scale technologies for bioSNG Swedenproduction
Year: 2013
Client: The gasification group, Swedish Gas Technology Centre
Commission: Market possibilities for German CBG/LBG in Sweden Germany
Year: 2013
Client: Nawaro AG
Commission: Ny metod för täthetskontroll av gasledningar (in Swedish) Sweden
Year: 2012/13
Client: The distribution group, Swedish Gas Technology Centre
Commission: Gasification – Status and technology Sweden
Year: 2012
Client: The gasification group, Swedish Gas Technology Centre
Commission: Förgasning – status och teknik (in Swedish) Sweden
Year: 2011
Client: The gasification group, Swedish Gas Technology Centre
Commission: Evaluation Engineering Systems Portugal
Year: 2010
Client: Portugeese Fundacion Tecnologia y Sciencia
Commission: Framtagning av underlag för förgasning – teknik och Sweden
ekonomi (in Swedish)
Year: 2008
Client: E.ON Sverige AB
Commission: Evaluation of the national research program Energy SwedenRelated Fluid Mechanics (in Swedish)
Year: 2008
Client: Swedish Energy Agency
Commission: Förnybar gas – samverkan mellan naturgas och Sweden
förnybar gas (in Swedish)
Year: 2007
Client: Swedish Gas Association
Commission: Biogas i Sverige och möjligheter för Norge Norway
Year: 2006
Client: ENOVA, Norway
Commission: Evaluation of project applications Portugal
Year: 2006
Client: Portugeese Fundacion Tecnologia y Sciencia
Commission: Supervision, maintenance and operation of the Spain
combustion and gasification facilities at CEDER
Year: 2005
Client: CIEMAT, Spain
Commission: Evaluation of the activities at CEDER Spain
Year: 2004
Client: CIEMAT, Spain
Examples of scientific commissions performed by Dr. Jörgen Held

2024 Co-organizer and chairman 10th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2024, Lund, Sweden
2023 Co-organizer and chairman 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2023, Berlin, Germany
2022 Co-organizer and chairman 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2022, Malmö, Sweden
2021 Co-organizer and chairman 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2021, Weimar, Germany
2020 Opponent together with Jens-Bo Holm-Nielsen, Aalborg University at Cristina Landt’s dissertation ”Forrettningsmodeller for biogas – I et circulært økonomisk prespektiv”, Roskilde University
 Co-organizer and chairman 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2019, Malmö, Sweden
2018 Opponent at Laura Maleks’s dissertation ”Renewable gas in a Swedish context”, Lund University
2018 Co-organizer and chairman of  5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2018, Toulouse, France
2017 Co-organizer and chairman of  4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017, Pacengo (Verona), Italy
2017-2020 Vice chairman of the board of the Biogasregister International e.V.
2016 Co-organizer and chairman of  3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2016, Malmö, Sweden
2015- Member of the Scientific Advisory Council, European Biogas Association
2015 Session chairman 23rd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Austria
2015 Co-organizer and chairman of  2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2015, Barcelona, Spain
2015 Chairman of the grading committee at Fredrik Weiland´s dissertation ”Pressurized entrained flow gasification of pulverized biomass”, Luleå University of Technology
2014 Member of the EUBCE Industry Committee
2014 Session chairman at IGRC 2014
2014 Member of the organization committee and session chairman at Nordic Biogas Conference
2014 Co-organizer and chairman of 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2014, Malmö, Sweden
2014 Member of the Scientific Committee SPEIC14
2013 Member of the grading committee at Fredrik Lind’s dissertation ”Design and operation of a chemical-looping reformer for catalytic upgrading of biomass-derived gas”, CTH
2012 Opponent at Martin Görling’s dissertation ”Energy system evaluation of thermo-chemical biofuel production”, Royal Institute of Technology
2012 Member of the grading committee at Erik Pihl’s dissertation ”Reducing Carbon Emissions From Natural Gas-fired Power Plants – Biomass, Concentrated Solar and Carbon Capture”, Chalmers
2011- Member of the Editorial board Journal of Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
2011 Member of the Technical Program Committee EGATEC2011
2010 Member of the Scientific Committee SPEIC10
2008-2010 Member of the Advisory Board of the EU project Bio-SNG
2008 Chairman of the grading committee at Magnus Rydén’s dissertation ”Hydrogen production from fossil fuels with carbon dioxide capture, using chemical-looping technologies”, Chalmers
2007 Invited as an expert in the reference group for stationary applications, SOU Jordbruket som bioenergiproducent
2006 Member of the grading committee at Xiaoyan Ji’s dissertation ”Thermodynamic Properties of Humid Air and their Application in Advanced Power Generation Cycles”, Royal Institute of Technology

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