On the 1st of May Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland was visited by Jörgen Held. PSI works actively with the development of fluidised bed methanation which has potential to lower the production cost of bioSNG.
Dr. Serge Biollaz, head of Thermal Process Engineering Group at PSI shows a ”cold flow” model of fluidised bed methanation. It’s important to obtain good contact between the syngas bubbles and the catalytic bed material and at the same time keep the temperature on a constant level. Dr. Biollaz revealed that shortly a new lab for methanation of biogas and syngas as well as Power-to-gas will be built on the PSI premises.
The meeting finished with Renewtec informing about the market and competence platform for small scale bioSNG production that Renewtec and BioMil together with project partners from industry and academia is building up with financial support from the regional authority in Scania.